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Travel and Parking

Travel and Parking

Vacation Permit 2024/25

Vacation Permit 2024/25


Vacation permits allow parking on a hunt and park basis outside of Semester when the car parks are traditionally quieter.

The academic calendar for 2024/25 detailing vacation periods can be found here.

The cost of a vacation permit is £13.25 per week.

You will receive an email when the permit(s) are ready to collect.

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Staff Occasional Use Permits 2024/25

Staff Occasional Use Permits 2024/25



Staff Occasional Use Parking Permit
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Car Parking

Coach Lane East Monthly Parking Payment



Pay for monthly parking in Coach Lane East car park. Payment may only be made for a calendar month (e.g. 1st to 30th November).

In order to allow time to process the order, payment must be made at least three days prior to the start of the calendar month and payments may not be made retrospectively. Your vehicle will be excluded from the ANPR checks for the months you have paid for.

You will be asked to submit information such as your vehicle registration number when you complete your checkout at the link above.
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